Honduran LegionA non-profit, non-governmental organization that executes projects and programs in different areas of work; with the purpose of improving living conditions, freedom and social development to promote more robust communities.
Why join Legión Honduras?
All Legion Honduras activities are intended to protect human dignity and strengthen the capacities of vulnerable people, resilient to any situation as they may be; crises, emergencies, calamity and disasters.
All our services are free and are implemented without intermediaries; Legion Honduras under no circumstances requests economic resources in exchange for the provision of services or in the execution of its programs in favor of the most vulnerable.
Boletin – Legión Honduras
Lanzamiento de la Coalición Nacional de Movilidad Humana
Importante Asamblea y Lanzamiento de la Coalición Nacional de Movilidad Humana, donde se expresó...
Early Intervention and Stimulation Program
El Programa de Estimulación e Intervención Temprana; mismo que es de carácter permanente de la...
Strategic alliance with the Attorney General's Office of the Republic of Honduras (Public Prosecutor's Office)
En continuación a la alianza estratégica con la Fiscalía General de la Republica de Honduras...
🚨 CALL 🔔 for the Mental Health and Psychosocial Support program
🚨 CONVOCATORIA 🔔 al programa de Salud Mental y Apoyo Psicosocial; que tiene como finalidad el...
What do we do?
Our Programs
displaced by violence
refuge house
legal assistance
Human rights
Anti corruption
Transparency and accountability
English classes
Computer Classes (Office)
Musical Instrument Classes
Graphic design
Creation of APP'S
Social infrastructure
Prehospital Assistance
Medical Brigades
Your support is very important in favor of the most vulnerable people, our projects will have a greater impact to so many needs; international donors your support is tax deductible under US law.
You want to be part of the Honduran Legion as a volunteer, exercising activities that protect the rights of the most vulnerable, improving their living conditions, strengthening their capacities, contributing to the comprehensive development of people and communities.
You can call us at number Cel.
+504 8944-4371
or write us to the mail informacion@legionhonduras.org
if you want to be part of our volunteer to the mail voluntariado@legionhonduras.org
Blvd. Morazán, Tegucigalpa, M.D.C Honduras