Honduran LegionLegion Honduras is a non-profit, non-governmental organization whose mission is to protect human dignity and strengthen the capabilities of the most vulnerable, promoting resilient and robust communities.
Why join Legión Honduras?
All our programs are in different areas of work and are permanent, implementing comprehensive and sustainable responses that aim to promote the transformation of living conditions with opportunities and tools that are worthy of personal and community growth.
All our services are free and are implemented without intermediaries; Legion Honduras under no circumstances requests economic resources in exchange for the provision of services or in the execution of its programs in favor of the most vulnerable.
Current News - Honduras Legion
Initiative – Road safety education workshops
Given the alarming figures of human losses through traffic accidents, Legion...
Elimination of Violence against Women
Nos unimos como todos los años a los 16 Días de Activismo para la Eliminación de la Violencia...
Last phase of the Labor Integration Program for people over 18 years of age with Down Syndrome
With great happiness we begin the last phase of the Labor Integration Program in favor of...
Launch of the National Human Mobility Coalition
Important Assembly and Launch of the National Coalition for Human Mobility, where the...
Our work
Our Programs

Mixed movements, refugees, asylum seekers.

Medical care, mental care, dental care.
Medical brigades, rural and urban areas

Temporary shelter
Comprehensive protection for women victims of violence, displaced persons due to violence, refugees and asylum seekers, human rights defenders and any other vulnerable group.

Access to education for children and young people, reintegration, empowerment, music and arts.

legal assistance
Protection of women and girls who are victims or survivors. Actions against impunity and corruption. Human rights violations, transparency and accountability, good governance

Inclusion and Labor Integration
Down syndrome, disability, autism spectrum disorders.

Education and road safety, economic justice, entrepreneurship, health, women and girls.

Social infrastructure
Early stimulation for children
Down's Syndrome

Risk Management
Your support is extremely important to continue activities that transform lives, where needs are unlimited and resources are very limited, to continue providing comprehensive responses to vulnerable people who have not had opportunities or access to basic services.
Do you want to be part of the Honduras Legion as a volunteer? Do you have the will to change or transform lives through activities that improve the living conditions of thousands of women, children and other vulnerable groups?
Ser voluntario es solidaridad; comunícate con nosotros; comparte tu tiempo, ideas, profesión u oficio, dedicación para construir una sociedad más justa y con mayores oportunidades.
You can call us at number Cel.
+504 8944-4371
or write us to the mail informacion@legionhonduras.org
if you want to be part of our volunteer to the mail voluntariado@legionhonduras.org
Blvd. Morazán, Tegucigalpa, M.D.C Honduras