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Iniciativa – Talleres de educación vial

Initiative – Road safety education workshops

Given the alarming figures of human losses through traffic accidents, Legion Honduras raised the initiative as a multiplier agent to facilitate training and road safety education workshops in different schools, colleges, and universities that have as...

Eliminación de la Violencia contra la Mujer

Elimination of Violence against Women

We join as we do every year the 16 Days of Activism for the Elimination of Violence against Women, which is an international campaign that takes place every year. Committed to all our programs in favor of women in a comprehensive way as...

Lanzamiento de la Coalición Nacional de Movilidad Humana

Launch of the National Human Mobility Coalition

Important Assembly and Launch of the National Human Mobility Coalition, where deep concern was expressed for people in human mobility in Honduras, as well as reaffirming the commitment to the defense of their human rights. The effort was highlighted...

Programa de Estimulación e Intervención Temprana

Early Intervention and Stimulation Program

The Early Stimulation and Intervention Program; which is of a permanent nature of the organization in order to implement a series of individualized activities that strengthen the development, development in each life within a framework of the organization's...

Programa de atención médica y dental

Medical and Dental Care Program

Every day we continue to positively impact more women, children and adults in adverse situations and from different rural and urban communities without access to health. Through our medical and dental care program, we facilitate dignified and quality treatment...

Visita al Departamento fronterizo de El Paraíso

Visit to the border department of El Paraiso

Important visit to the border department of El Paraíso; in order to learn in person and identify the different humanitarian responses to the migratory crisis of people in vulnerable situations in mixed movements; Legion...

Implementación de Electronic Health Record (EHR)

Implementing Electronic Health Records (EHRs)

A la Vanguardia; the Health Program implements and deploys an electronic medical record system known as Electronic Health Record (EHR) in all its medical care in favor of the most vulnerable groups.- System that achieves operational efficiency,...

Visitamos Fundación Abrigo

We visited Fundación Abrigo

It is with great satisfaction that we continue to expand medical care at no cost to different vulnerable groups; as well as providing the medicines in each particular case that is required. On this occasion we visited the enormous work carried out by the shelter foundation...

Convocatoria de Asistencia Médica Humanitaria

Call for Humanitarian Medical Assistance

We are pleased to present the Call for Humanitarian Medical Assistance Program with the purpose of medical care for people and communities in vulnerable or adverse situations. All Legion Honduras programs and projects are free of charge and without cost.

Plan Estrategico

Strategic Plan

An important meeting was held by the Host Community where the strategic plan, the organizational structure and different working groups were established.- Among some of the participating organizations; HRC, Honduran Red Cross, UNHCR, Glasswing,...

Semana con alto impacto – Programa de Asistencia Dental

High Impact Week – Dental Assisting Program

A week with high impact in favor of the participants of the Dental Assistance Program! As an organization we will continue to contribute and expand different projects and programs to our communities.

Convocatoria ! Programa de Asistencia Dental Humanitaria

Call! Humanitarian Dental Assistance Program

Call! Humanitarian Dental Assistance Program.- Please coordinate an appointment for the respective evaluation and free dental treatment by email; informacion@legionhonduras.org or whatsapp +504 8944-4371
