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Mesa de acogida del Municipio del Distrito Central

Welcome table of the Municipality of the Central District

The reception table of the Municipality of the Central District through its key humanitarian actors such as; CDH, PADF, UNHCR, Conadeh, among others., working meeting on different topics; Likewise, the project to Strengthen the mechanisms was socialized...

Legión Honduras participa en el Liberty Forum para America Latina

Legion Honduras participates in the Liberty Forum for Latin America

Legion Honduras participates in the Liberty Forum for Latin America; the same thing that takes place in the city of San José, Costa Rica. Important case studies from the countries of Brazil, Colombia and Chile.- Advanced in human dignity and freedom. #Honduras #LegionHonduras...

Foro Nacional para las Migraciones en Honduras y PADF

National Forum for Migrations in Honduras and PADF

National Forum for Migration in Honduras and PADF present the findings of the Diagnosis based on the realities experienced by returning migrants and the situation of migrants in transit.

11 de Marzo Inicia el Programa Integración Laboral

March 11 The Labor Integration Program begins

We are pleased to inform you that on Saturday, March 11, 2024; We will start the Labor Integration Program for those over 18 years of age; In compliance with our organizational mission and call held in 2023 in favor of participants with...

Visita al Hospital Materno Infantil

Visit to the Maternal and Child Hospital

Legion Honduras carried out a coordinated visit with the authorities of the Maternal and Child Hospital Dr. Sandra Flores Head of Pediatrics and Dr. Scheybi Miralda of pediatric emergency; with the purpose of knowing and evaluating the needs in different areas of work....

Importante mesa de trabajo se sostuvo el día de ayer

Important work table was held yesterday

An important working group was held yesterday with CDH, Honduran Red Cross, UNHCR, Doctor Without Borders and other important key actors with the purpose of strengthening coordination, response, protection and humanitarian assistance mechanisms in favor of...

Asistencia Dental Gratuita

Free Dental Assistance

Progress continues in the free dental care project for women in the municipality of Trinidad, Santa Bárbara; in coordination with specialists and municipal authorities.

Informamos con alegría!

We report with joy!

We report with joy! The incorporation of the Dionisio de Herrera Essay School located in Bo. Lempira, Comayaguela; the project for the Promotion of a Culture of Peace and Prevention of Violence; with the purpose of implementing extracurricular activities in schedules...

Programa de intervención y estimulación temprana

Early intervention and stimulation program

This month we celebrate the continuity of the second group of children under 5 years of age in the early intervention and stimulation program; who individually every week receive their educational therapies through the special education professional....

Convenio de Cooperación con la Fundación Hagámoslo Juntos

Cooperation Agreement with the Hagámoslo Juntos Foundation

With a lot of entusiasm !! We report the signing of the Cooperation Agreement with the Hagámoslo Juntos Foundation; which will have the purpose of comprehensive care for orthopedic beneficiaries in adverse situations that require restoring the joint function of...

Taller regional de América Latina y el Caribe

Regional workshop for Latin America and the Caribbean

Regional workshop for Latin America and the Caribbean with the purpose of reviewing the draft of the Core Humanitarian Standard in order to update it by improving the quality, effectiveness and accountability of support and assistance in favor of...

Reunion importante con la abogada coordinadora Ana Romero

Important meeting with the coordinating lawyer Ana Romero

Today an important planning meeting was held with the coordinating lawyer Ana Romero of the Special Court against Domestic Violence for the execution of a free Dental assistance project in favor of extremely vulnerable women users...

Asistencia dental gratuita a mujeres

Free dental care for women

Today they visited in coordination with Dr. Allan Paredes, Mayor of the Municipality of Trinidad, Santa Bárbara and other municipal authorities; important rapprochement meeting for the execution of various humanitarian projects. Being the first stage; the...

Nueva Ley del Sinager en Honduras

New Sinager Law in Honduras

Today an important meeting was held with local organizations, the Humanitarian Network and other United Nations agencies with the purpose of continuing to strengthen the deletion of the new Sinager Law in Honduras.
