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Derechos de los migrantes

Rights of migrants

Within the framework of the humanitarian mandate, a meeting and exchange of experiences was held to strengthen the protection of the rights of migrants in transit through Honduran territory with special emphasis on women and girls with management authorities of the Institute...

Día mundial del sindrome de down

World down syndrome day

Today marks a great day! We unite with determination to raise awareness of the immense value, promote the inclusion and protection of each of your rights #sindromededown #Honduras

Hoy tuvimos el honor de recibir a Uriel

Today we had the honor of receiving Uriel

Within the framework of the Call made at the end of the year 2022; We continue executing the evaluation, intervention and early stimulation program for this year 2023.- 🇭🇳 Today we had the honor of receiving Uriel who starts the individualized program once a...

Programa a favor de menores con Síndrome de Down

Program in favor of minors with Down Syndrome

With great enthusiasm and commitment, we are pleased to report that we started the program in favor of minors with Down Syndrome; whose purpose is stimulation and early intervention to strengthen skills and development; being an honor to receive...

Foro de Alojamientos y Asentamientos de América Latina y El Caribe

Housing and Settlements Forum of Latin America and the Caribbean

Honduras Legion invited to participate and present at the Forum on Housing and Settlements in Latin America and the Caribbean, Bogota, Colombia, February 2023; with the accompaniment of more than 50 organizations including InterAction, USAID, Shelter Cluster, Organization...

Embajada de Japon – Intercambio de experiencias

Embassy of Japan - Exchange of experiences

Legion Honduras held a meeting and exchange of experiences in relation to the enormous work and community assistance carried out by the Embassy of Japan 🇯🇵 in Honduras 🇭🇳

Firma de Convenio de Cooperación

Signature of Cooperation Agreement

Centro Integral Médico Odontológico (CIMOHN) and Legión Honduras sign a Cooperation Agreement for free dental care for 1,000 people, including women and the elderly who live in rural areas of Honduras in extreme poverty.



The project is systematized and coordinated by the Specialist Patricia Cortés with a Master's Degree in Special Education from the University of St. John's University- Queens, NY; With more than ten (10) years of work experience in the USA. Important note; All projects of...

Legión Honduras dentro de la agenda internacional

Legion Honduras within the international agenda

Legion Honduras within the international agenda as a committed organization promotes and executes actions with a positive impact within the objectives of sustainable development in Honduras.

Reunion intercambio de experiencias con Trócaire

Meeting exchange of experiences with Trócaire

In a meeting to exchange experiences with the Country Director George Redman; important agency of the Irish Catholic Church with enormous global humanitarian work.#Honduras #LegionHonduras

Orgullosos! Nueva membresia PMNCH

Proud! New PMNCH Membership

We are proud to announce our new membership of @PMNCH, reinforcing our commitment to working in partnership to build a more equitable world and ensure the best possible future #ForEveryWomanGirlTeen.We are #PartnersForChange We are proud to...

En el marco de la elaboración del reglamento

In the framework of the elaboration of the regulation

In the framework of the elaboration of the Regulation of the International Humanitarian Assistance Law in coordination with COPECO and State entities, Legión Honduras contributing from its expertise.

Participación OEA Honduras

OAS Honduras Participation

Within the framework of strengthening the capacities of Human Rights in situations of imminent risk #LegiónHonduras in a meeting with the honorable representative of OEA Honduras. 

Programa Temático Derechos Humanos y Democracia

Thematic Program Human Rights and Democracy

Legion Honduras participated together with other Organizations in the framework of the Call of the European Union for the Human Rights and Democracy Thematic Program in its role as promoter of development, inclusion and defense of Human Rights.

Legión Honduras

Honduran Legion

Within the framework of the Regulation of the Humanitarian Assistance Facilitation Law #LegionHonduras present from its expertise together with
