by sims | Dec 9, 2023 | Sin categoría
An important working group was held yesterday with CDH, Honduran Red Cross, UNHCR, Doctor Without Borders and other important key actors with the purpose of strengthening coordination, response, protection and humanitarian assistance mechanisms in favor of...
by sims | Oct 30, 2023 | Sin categoría
Progress continues in the free dental care project for women in the municipality of Trinidad, Santa Bárbara; in coordination with specialists and municipal authorities.
by sims | Sep 7, 2023 | Sin categoría
We report with joy! The incorporation of the Dionisio de Herrera Essay School located in Bo. Lempira, Comayaguela; the project for the Promotion of a Culture of Peace and Prevention of Violence; with the purpose of implementing extracurricular activities in schedules...
by sims | Aug 31, 2023 | Sin categoría
This month we celebrate the continuity of the second group of children under 5 years of age in the early intervention and stimulation program; who individually every week receive their educational therapies through the special education professional....
by sims | Aug 21, 2023 | Sin categoría
With great joy!! We share that the free dental assistance project in villages of the Municipality of Trinidad, Santa Bárbara began at the end of July of this year, where more than 300 women will benefit Within the framework of the Cooperation Agreement...