by sims | Aug 8, 2023 | Sin categoría
With a lot of entusiasm !! We report the signing of the Cooperation Agreement with the Hagámoslo Juntos Foundation; which will have the purpose of comprehensive care for orthopedic beneficiaries in adverse situations that require restoring the joint function of...
by sims | Jul 18, 2023 | Sin categoría
Regional workshop for Latin America and the Caribbean with the purpose of reviewing the draft of the Core Humanitarian Standard in order to update it by improving the quality, effectiveness and accountability of support and assistance in favor of...
by sims | Jul 5, 2023 | Sin categoría
Signature of Agreement With the approval of the Municipal Mayor Dr. Allan Paredes and the Municipal Corporation of Trinidad, Santa Bárbara; Legion Honduras expands its coverage of action and humanitarian mandate with projects in favor of the most vulnerable in different axes of...
by sims | Jun 26, 2023 | Sin categoría
Today an important planning meeting was held with the coordinating lawyer Ana Romero of the Special Court against Domestic Violence for the execution of a free Dental assistance project in favor of extremely vulnerable women users...
by sims | Jun 14, 2023 | Sin categoría
Today they visited in coordination with Dr. Allan Paredes, Mayor of the Municipality of Trinidad, Santa Bárbara and other municipal authorities; important rapprochement meeting for the execution of various humanitarian projects. Being the first stage; the...