Programa de Integración Laboral

Labor Integration Program

Proud to start the Labor Integration Program for people over 18 years of age with Down Syndrome; with the purpose of preparation, development of capabilities, skills and obtaining the respective job opportunity.- Inviting the private sector and...
11 de Marzo Inicia el Programa Integración Laboral

March 11 The Labor Integration Program begins

We are pleased to inform you that on Saturday, March 11, 2024; We will start the Labor Integration Program for those over 18 years of age; In compliance with our organizational mission and call held in 2023 in favor of participants with...
Visita al Hospital Materno Infantil

Visit to the Maternal and Child Hospital

Legion Honduras carried out a coordinated visit with the authorities of the Maternal and Child Hospital Dr. Sandra Flores Head of Pediatrics and Dr. Scheybi Miralda of pediatric emergency; with the purpose of knowing and evaluating the needs in different areas of work....